Benefits of Janu Basti | Beneficial in Osteoarthritis, Ligament tear, Rheumatism, Chronic Pain, and Degeneration of Knee Joint

Benefits of Janu Basti

Benefits of Janu Basti: Introduction: 

Janu Basti is one of the best and most effective Panchakarma therapy provided to heal acute to chronic knee-related disorders. Also, it can be administrated to healthy individuals and health freaks to stay healthy and for the prevention of various disorders. Our knee carries our entire body weight and is under constant stress throughout the day. That’s why most people are facing problems with knee joints caused due to injury, degeneration, and inflammation. Thus, for managing and preventing upcoming complications, Janu Basti is an effective herbal treatment for proving multiple health benefits.

Janu Basti is comprised of 2 words:

Janu: Knee Joint

Basti: Holding

Thus, Janu Basti is described as an Ayurvedic treatment in which medicated oil is poured and pooled for a fixed period in a compartment around the knee joint using wet flour of black gram, or it can be described as pain-relieving oil-pooling therapy conducted for knee joint pain and its associated symptoms.

In Ayurveda, the word Basti is described as the urinary bladder; it is a bag that holds urine for a certain period till it is voided. Similarly, in Janu Basti therapy, a compartment is constructed around the knee joint (front or back, depending on the affected part) by using flour of black gram, after that the prescribed medicated herbal oil is pooled and left in place (retained) for a fixed duration of time, this therapy is called as Janu Basti.

Indications of Janu Basti:

Janu Basti can be indicated in the conditions like:                        Knee disorder

  • Osteoarthritis of knee joint
  • Ligament tear
  • Rheumatism
  • Subluxation of knee joint
  • Chronic pain of the knee joint
  • Arthrosis of knee joints
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis changes
  • Ilio-tibial band syndrome
  • Strains and sprains
  • Post-trauma
  • Degenerative disorder of knee joint
  • Knee bursitis

Contraindications of Janu Basti:

According to the Ayurvedic Acharyas, Janu Basti is contra-indicated in some of the following conditions:

The procedure of Janu Basti:                              Janu basti

In Janu Basti therapy, an area bounded by black gram flour is constructed around the knee joint. The site of the frame depends on the affected area. The prescribed medicated warm oil is poured and left retained in the area or frame for a fixed period. Oil is kept warm by repetitively adding hot oil and replacing the oil at regular intervals and the duration of the whole procedure of janu basti is for 30 minutes (approx).

After removing the frame of flour, a gentle massage is given to a patient with medicated oil followed by Swedana (hot fomentation) with medicated decoction’s steam. This procedure can be done in about 15-20 minutes (approx).

Ghee/Oil used for Janu Basti/Abhyanga:

The oil and ghee used for the therapy are very patient with the patient, the most effective oil for Janu Basti are:

  • Pinda tailam
  • Sahacharchadi tailam
  • Ksheerbala tailam
  • Mahanarayana tailam
  • Balashwagandhi tailam
  • Dhanvantari taialm
  • Tila tailam
  • Tiktaka ghritam
  • Guggulutiktaka ghritam

Ayurvedic Formulations for Knee Pain and Stiffness:

Different formulations are available in Ayurveda for managing and the preventing knee disorders, the medicines are:

  • Manjisthadi kshayam
  • Maharasnadi kshayam
  • Rasnaerandadi kshayam
  • Dhanwantram kshayam
  • Amrutottaram kshayam
  • Guluchyadi kshayam
  • Guggulutiktam kshayam
  • Gandharvahstadi kshayam

Asava and Arishta for Knee Joint Disorders:

  • Arjunarishtam
  • Dashmularishtam
  • Ashwandharishtam
  • Devadarvarishtam
  • Dhanwantararishtam
  • Balarishtam

Vati and Gulika for Knee-Joint Disorders:

The following mentioned rasa and vati can be recommended in the knee joint disorders:

  • Kaishore guggul
  • Panchatikta ghrita guggul
  • Yograj guggul
  • Simhanda guggul
  • Navaka guggul
  • Rasnadi guggul
  • Trayodoshanga guggul
  • Vatagajankush rasa
  • Ekangveer rasa
  • Mahavata vidhwamsini rasa

Mode of Action of Janu Basti:

According to the Ayurveda, Aggravation or Imbalance in Vata results in all types of pain, mainly degenerative, and further, it leads to depletion and degeneration of tissues. Another reason is the formulation of ama or toxins in the body. The ama or toxins are produced as a result of low digestion (dushat agni), which hamper the smooth functioning of dhatus and doshas and results in blocking the excretion of waste from the body. Thus, it can lead to inflammation, redness, stiffness, pain, and loss of movement in the knee joints.

Thus, before starting this procedure, Churna pinda sweda is done, it dries up ama and Kapha, helps in liquidity of pitta, and relieves loss of movements and stiffness. This therapy helps in nourishing the knee joints and reduces pain, tenderness, and inflammation. Further, if Shashtika shali pinda sweda is done it effectively strengthens and nourishes the lower limbs.

Benefits of Janu Basti:

  • The medicated oil used for Janu Basti helps in reducing inflammation around the knee joint.
  • The Ayurvedic herbs help moisture the rigid knee joints and make the move painless.
  • Janu Basti helps in lubricating fluid in the joint and maintaining integrity of the structure involved in the joint.
  • This therapy helps in maintaining normal blood circulation, thus strengthening and nourishing the knee joints.
  • Janu Basti improves the mobility of the knee joints and helps in easy knee extension and flexion.
  • It helps in reducing chronic inflammation stiffness, pain, and rigidity in the knee joint.
  • Regular use of this wonderful Ayurvedic therapy protects the knee joints from age-related disorders.

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