Eczema and its Ayurvedic Treatment Introduction:
Eczema is such a common condition that affect every one of the five children during their school going age. It is also a very common disease found in infants. It in an adult could be a recurring chronic condition, which the person may have to live with throughout life. Hence, it can be safely assured that it is one of the most prevalent skin problems in the world today.
Definition:- Eczema (Vicharchika)
It is dermatitis ie., an inflammation of the upper layers of the skin known as the epidermis. It is actually a whole group of skin ailments that can affect all age group.
It is an itchy condition, which leads to red rashes when scratched. For this reason, it is also called as “the itch that rashes.” In some people, there may be different kinds of irritation.
In sanskrit, eczema is called as Vicharchika another closely related diseases in Ayurvedic is Pama. The signs and Symptoms of both Vicharchika and Pama can be correlated to the symptoms of eczema.
Types of Eczema:-
- Atopic:- This eczema is caused due to allergic reactions. It is found in people who have histories of asthma and hay fever.
- Allergic contact Dermatitis:- This is caused due to constant physical contact with some material that the person skin is allergic.
- Infantile seborrhoetic:-It exact cause is unknown. It affects babies under one year old.
- Adult sehorrheotic:- It is caused due to yeast or fungal growth on the skin. It is observed in people between twenty and forty years of age.
- Xerotic:-This eczema occurs due to constact dryness of the skin. It flares up in cold and dry weather.
In Ayurveda, all the three doshas can lead to Eczema.
- Vata doshas type:- When the vitation of the vata doshas produces the disease. It is felt in the dryness of the skin. There is pain and serve itching of the affected region.
- Pitta doshas:- Pitta doshas vitation can cause oozing from the affected part.
- Kapha doshas:- When there is an imbalance of kapha, it is more observable on the skin. The skin became thick and is accompanied by oozing and itching.
Symptoms of Eczema:-
- Unbearable itchiness of skin called as pruitis.
- Dryness of the skin.
- Redness and inflammation of the skin.
- Cracking and weeping of the skin when scratched.
- Arash appears at the place when the contact has taken place.
- There is no soreness or itchiness.
- Skin become red and faking occur.
- The skin becomes very tender and itching.
- Inflammation occurs at the ankles.
- Edema occurs.
Causes of Eczema:-
- Genetic factor:- Some types of genes are responsible for eczema for eg; Filaggrin.
- Family history:- If any family members associated with any types of allergy or asthma.
- Environmental factors:- There are some allergens present in environmental like pollutant that may be responsible for eczema.
- Abnormal functioning of immune system.
- Temperature variation:- Sometimes it may be due to exposure to different temperature ie; too cold or too hot temperature.
- The causative factors of eczema is vitiations all the three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The pitta eczema is the most common.
Diet & lifestyle Advice:-
- Avoid spicy or oily food and a hot, humid atmosphere.
- Wear loose, cotton, avoid synthetic fibres as they inhibit perspiration.
- Avoid soap or use mild herbal soap for bathing.
- Use a soft ,smooth, towel and avoid rubbing the skin.
- Avoid tea, coffee, hot spices and preserved foods.
- Practice Bhujangasan and Agnisaur Pranayam to enhance your body’s immunity.
- Avoid wearing tight and scratching clothing.
- Avoid scratching the rashes.
Home remedies that may prevent Eczema:-
- The juices of the arka is mixed with sesame oil and turmeric. This is applied externally over the affected skin.
- The oil of the Karanja made into an emulsion with lemon juice has very good soothing properties for the inflammation.
- The oil of the linseed is mixed with an equal amount of lime juice and applied on the inflamed region relief is immediate.
- Prepare a decoction by boiling 20-30 neem leaves in about 4.5 cups of water for 20 minutes. Let it cool and use this water to wash the affected area.
- Mix 1 teaspoon liquorice root powder with a small amount of sesame oil. Warm this in pain and then apply to the affected area, wrap a bandage over it and leave for 3-4 hours, Repeat twice a day.
Ayurvedic herbs used in Eczema:-
- Alsi (Linum usitatissimum)
- Arka(Calotropis gigentica)
- Babul (Acacia arabica)
- Mahua (Madhuca indica)
- Kangra(Pongamia pinnata)
- Palasha(Butea monosperma)
- Padmaka(Prunus puddum)
- keshar(Crocus sativus)
- Nagkeshar(Mesua ferra)
- Til( Seasmum indicum)
- Alovera(Aloe barbedins)
Classical Ayurvedic medicines used :-
- Rasamanikya
- Talakeshwara
- Kadirarishta
- Tikta kashaya
- Mahatikta kashaya
- Panchanimbaadi choorna
- PanchtTikataka ghritam Tbalet
- Gandhak rasayn Vatti
Patent medicine for the ayurvedic treatment of Eczema:
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