Complete Guide to Coronaviruses

Coronavirus Disease

A Complete Guide to Coronavirus Disease:

What is coronvirus Disease? They are viruses that may affect birds, humans, and mammals. The symptoms seem similar to cold, pneumonia, bronchitis, and SARs. Furthermore, they will impact your gut. Now, they seem to be an outbreak that has affected all over the world. Over the last years, the case of them is found in animals that can also transmit themselves to humans. Recently, a new type of coronavirus disease, COVID-19, is found in China. In this article, you will get to know about the deadly virus.

About coronavirus:

The research found about coronaviruses in the year 1937. They found the viruses to be responsible for bronchitis in birds. Their effects can be seen in the devastation of poultry. The existence of human coronaviruses or HCoV was found in the late 1960s and they were mostly seen in people with a common cold. Their effects have affected a large population. The two types of cold are 229E and OC43. They mean halo or crown and their crown-like projections. Among living beings, we can see their effects during the winter and spring. People afflicted with the virus will be more likely to be again affected after four months.  Their antidotes do not show long-lasting effects, for a type of antibody may not be suitable for another type of infection.

Symptomsof Coronavirus Disease:

Flu or cold symptoms usually take two to four days to affect any person as the result of a coronavirus and they may be of mild. Symptoms may vary from one person to another and even some of their types can be deadly. Below are some symptoms of them.

  • Sore throat

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Fatigue

  • Sneezing

  • Runny nose

  • Asthama

It is impossible to gauge the influence of these viruses, unlike rhinoviruses, as they cannot be cultivated in laboratories. There is no treatment found yet except self-care. Another alternative to this problem is OTC medication. People can take the following steps:

  • Rest and avoid overexertion

  • Drink water or fluids

  • Avoid smoking

  • Take naproxen, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen for fever

  • Use a vaporizer or humidifier

  • A doctor examining a patient can use mucus or blood as respiratory fluids


Types of Coronavirus Disease:

Coronavirinae is the family to which Coronavirus Disease belong.  Here are some types of them that may affect any human.

  • Alpha coronavirus (229E)

  • Alpha coronavirus (NL63)

  • Beta coronavirus (OC43)

  • Beta coronavirus (HKU1)

Some rare strains cause severe effects on humans. For example, MERS-CoV affects MERS while the SARS-CoV affects SARS. Here MERS stands for the Middle East respiratory syndrome while SARS stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome. In the year 2019, a new strain SARS-CoV-2 started propagating COVID-19.


There is limited research concluded on HCoV and its spread from one person to another while researchers believe its transmission through fluids. For example, mucus. They spread in the following ways.

  • If any person sneezes or coughs without facing the mouth, then he or she may transmit droplets into the air.
  • If any person shakes hands with another person, then he or she may transmit the virus.
  • Touching a virus-infected area and then touch the eyes, nose, or mouth.

According to the ‘National Institutes of Health’, “Different groups of people can be affected by this virus”. These groups include young children, people over 65 years, and pregnant women. The mutation of coronaviruses makes them more contagious. People who have symptoms of viruses can stay at home and rest. Also, they must avoid close contact with others. After sneezing or coughing, dispose of the tissues and do not use them again.


CDC monitored the outbreak of coronaviruses, in 2019, and found that it causes respiratory illness. It was first identified in the Wuhan city of China. Gradually, until now, its effects can be seen in the whole world. WHO (The World Health Organization) has declared the situation as ‘public health emergency’ to aware people of its deadly effects. Its effects can be seen in the U.S. Its disruptive effects have been seen in more than twenty-five countries.

The first corona-affected person found to have a connection with seafood, i.e., with animals. The fact establishes that the viruses are transmitted to humans through animals. The recent signs show that humans can easily pass the viruses to others. SARS and MERS are respiratory conditions that develop from such infections.

The director-general of WHO presented updates about the symptoms of COVID-19 that may vary from severe to fatal. As per the research on 44,000 people suffering from deadly diseases, the following conclusions have been found:

  • The recovery rate of people with mild symptoms is more than eighty percent.
  • In severe cases, people having breathlessness and pneumonia show a recovery rate of fourteen percent.
  • The five percent of people with respiratory failure, septic shock, and organ failure has been recovered.
  • In the case of fatal diseases, only two percent of people have survived.

With age, the consequences can be serious. Although the scrutiny is going on, yet few cases of children have been found. A person affected by COVID-19 show different symptoms. Fever, cough, and breathlessness are common symptoms. You can notice for two to fourteen days and conclude finally whether you have the symptoms.


Ayurvedic Protection from COVID-19:

Experts from different domains suggest everyone focuses on enhancing immunity, but how? Let’s discuss what Ayurveda has to say.

  • Chief Ayurveda Consultant & Founder of Deep Ayurveda- Dr Baldeep Kour suggests people for the use of Giloy, Curcumin and Tulsi.
  • Deep Ayurveda Experts also suggest the use of medicinal herbs. For example, amla, shilajit, neem, and Giloy.
  • Ayurvit Herbal Capsule is also a very useful ayurvedic formulation to improve the immune system of the body and to fight against the viruses
  • Add drops of sesame into your nostrils and sniff so that you can lubricate.
  • Nasya is a Panchkarma treatment suggested for throat, nose, sinuses, and head.

Following is the agency’s advice regarding what methods can and cannot kill the virus or otherwise prevent the transmission of COVID-19.


Frequent handwashing with soap and water is effective to kill the virus. The water does not need to be hot, though warm water improves the soap’s efficiency. Dry hands thoroughly with a towel, hand dryer or  paper towel

Hand Sanitizers:

As an alternative to soap and water, a hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol can be used. Most commonly available hand sanitizers have at least that much alcohol.
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