Organic Kapikachu Powder (Mucuna pruriens):
Kapikachu is one of the best nutritive tonics and adaptogens commonly used to nourish the nervous system, and strengthen and tone the reproductive organs. The herb has been used for thousands of years in different Ayurvedic formulations. It is a well-known herb for lower stress, increasing testosterone and dopamine level, enhancing mood, and helping in managing reproductive problems.
Kapikachu (Mucuna pruriens) Synonyms:
- Sanskrit : Kapikacchu, Markati, Kandura
- Assamese : Banar Kakua
- English : Cowhage
- Gujrati : Kavach, Kaucha
- Hindi : Kewanch, Kaunch
- Punjabi : Tatgajuli, Kawach
- Urdu : Kanwach, Konch
Chemical Constituents of Kapikachu (Mucuna pruriens):
It contains purienine, tryptamine, L-dopa, mucunine, mucunadine, dark brown viscous oil, alkaloids mucanine, etc.
Ayurvedic Action and Properties of Kapikachu (Mucuna pruriens):
- Rasa: Madhura, Tikta
- Guna: Guru, Snigdha
- Virya: Sheeta
- Vipaka: Madhura
- Karma: Bruhmana, Kaphanashak, Vrishya, Balya
Therapeutic Uses of Kapikachu (Mucuna pruriens): ![organic kapikachu powder (mucuna pruriens) | revitalizes the reproductive system, promotes a healthy nervous system. kapikachu]()
- Kapikachu is an excellent aphrodisiac and helps to increase sperm count, production, and quantity of semen.
- It has wound-healing properties and brings back the normal texture of the affected skin.
- Due to its medicinal properties, it is very effective to build the nervous system and also improves reproductive health.
Dose of Kapikachu (Mucuna pruriens):
3-6 g of the organic kapikachu powder.
Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India.
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